Fotos: Anna Wider


BAKTERIEN (work in progress)

 Public Rehearsal, 40 Min., by V3, Christin Marie Feldhaus und Moritz Bossmann, with sign language interpreter 


The multimedia performance BAKTERIEN transfers the human striving for encounter and retreat into the pictorial world of microorganisms. Through music, video and movement, a multi-perspective view of the border area between closeness and distance is revealed. From here we explore the relationship to our invisible roommates as well as to our own kind.

BAKTERIEN is the first collaboration between performance and multimedia artist V3 (Veruschka Bohn), Käptn Peng guitarist and composer Moritz Bossmann and performer Christin Marie Feldhaus.

Fotos: Henryk Weiffenbach, 2023, Bande á Parte, Eschschloraque Berlin